Air ambulance called to medical emergency with Weymouth v Yeovil abandoned

Air ambulance called to medical emergency with Weymouth v Yeovil abandoned


An air ambulance was called to help out with an medical emergency in the stands with Weymouth v Yeovil being subsequently abandoned.

The National League South match was stopped on the 75th minute with Weymouth leading 1-0 thanks to Dan Roberts’ goal in the 32nd minute.

Both teams were taken off the field as an air ambulance landed on the pitch at Weymouth to provide assistance to the patient.

Yeovil, who were aiming to secure the title and make a return to the National League after being relegated last season, needed a victory, but that won’t be on their thoughts today after the fan was taken ill.

Weymouth chairman Paul Maitland said in a video update: “Yeah, unfortunately, late on in the game there was a medical emergency that’s required an air ambulance to attend the game and calls for the game to be halted while that person received medical treatment.

“The person is now on the way to hospital, but because of the length of time that was involved, the referee deemed that the game needed to be abandoned.

“At that point, the club has already been in contact with the National League, who we’re already corresponding with right now on the phone to understand what happens next.

“Obviously, it’s not a situation we are used to.

“So at the moment, the game has been abandoned.

“Whether the game has to be replayed or whether the result stands or what action comes next will be deemed by the National League and the National League board.

“And I’m guessing because of the point of the season where we are, that decision will be made quite promptly.

“As soon as we know where we stand, we will obviously make a further statement to support us and keep them abreast of the situation.

“But as of right now, we don’t know.

“And as a club, all I would like to do at this point is offer our best wishes to the person that was unfortunately fell ill at today’s game and wish them a speedy recovery and apologise to those that have been affected by the events of today’s game.

“It’s one of those circumstances that we just have had to deal with.

“As I say, we wish them. We wish them well and I thank both sets of supporters for the way that they handle themselves in leaving the game and accepting the situation.

“It’s very unfortunate, but sometimes things happen that are bigger than a game of football.

“And as I say, that person’s welfare is of higher importance to anybody than a game of football at the moment. Thank you again for your wonderful support today.”

Yeovil boss Mark Cooper said: “Well, first thing is we hope the lady is okay.

“That has to be the main thing.

“The narrative will be that we didn’t want to play.

“But I don’t see how.

“And there’s still no resolution of how long it’s going to be.

“I don’t see how you can expect athletes that are prepared to the game to start again after what could be an hour and a half after playing 70 minutes, how you can expect them to start again.

“I just don’t see how.

“That’s the thing.

“And, you know, I think a sensible decision was made.

“Yeah, like you say, I mean, it’s been almost an hour and were still not quite clear on what, what the situation is beforehand.

“The goal behind against Weymouth.

“But you were making some inroads and sort of starting to press them a little bit.

“Yeah, we had a poor first half.

“We, our forward players didn’t.

“Our forward plays didn’t spark.

“Obviously, Jahmari was ruled out this morning. Ollie Thomas got a chance.

“We were comfortable in the game, but we didn’t offer a threat at the top of the pitch, really.

“And I couldn’t see Weymouth scoring.

“And it was just.

“We tried to play.

“One of our centre halves has tried to play outside, which we’ve never done or worked on.

“And we got caught and then it gives. It gives Waymouth a chance to hold on to something.

“But the ten minutes before the game was ceased, I was confident we were going to score.

“Really, really was.

“We had some near misses.

“Should have had two penalties at least, by the way, first one, Jordan Young’s an absolute blatant penalty.

“So, yeah, this is difficult.

“We just got to make the best of it.

“We’ve got to get on the coach, go back home, prepare for the next game and then see what happens with this one.

“Rhys Murphy coming back, it looked like you couldn’t wait to get him on to the pitch half time, but it’s great to see him out there and get him some minutes.

“Yeah. Their medical advice was he’s got 30 minutes in him, but we needed him out there, you know, and he would have played too long, but needs must and he wanted. He was up for it. He wanted to play. I think you saw the difference when he came up finally.”

Interviewer: “Just to keep a short and tweet. The supporters came down in the numbers fantastically. What do you say to them?”

Cooper: “Incredible. We. So I made the coach driver take a detour along the seafront this morning.

“So I wanted to see the players, the players, to see the effort that all our fans had made to come down here.

“And it was brilliant to see that its a proper football club, you know, and we’ve got to make sure were giving them stuff to shout about.”

Air ambulance called to medical emergency with Weymouth v Yeovil abandoned


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